Welcome back to our blog page here at Lithonia’s best school: Excellent Montessori. Though this school year is quickly winding down, we’re staying incredibly productive with our summer camp enrollment, giving tours for prospective students, and continuing our daycare functions during the summer hours. Instead of being a Lithonia private school that only focuses on elementary-aged children, Excellent Montessori takes in children as young as 1 year. We also have amazing after-school programs so that you’ll be able to have high-quality childcare for all of your children, for as long as you need it.

Talk with one of our administrators today and discover what makes Montessori superior to any educational institution that’s out there. Using the Montessori Method, a program that was created by Maria Montessori herself, we instill in children a love for learning, a passion for self-discovery, and a hunger to learn about the world around them. Schedule a tour at Excellent Montessori today to see what makes us different.

When you’re a parent of young kids, it can be difficult to juggle everything that you’ve got on your plate. You need to make sure that household chores are kept up with, run your errands, pay the bills, and if there’s time, do some of the things that you actually want to do. This neverending list of things to do can be even more complicated with you have multiple children at different schools. Every day, you’re schlepping kids to and fro and this alone can be a huge time suck. Wouldn’t you love to find a quality private academy that could tackle the education of your elementary-aged child and your toddler?

An Excellent Choice

Excellent Montessori school has programs for kids as young as 1, and with a focus on child-led education, your little one will be able to latch on to a love of learning that will be with them for the rest of their lives. Many people believe that the most important learning starts when a child is “school-aged,” but we understand that education is just as important (and perhaps more so) when a child is a baby or toddler. Let’s look at what Excellent Montessori’s programs offer for each pre-K age group.




As this is such a crucial age for learning and taking everything in using the five senses, we focus on sensory and perception, physical and motor skills, self-help skills, language, and social/emotional skills. We know how valuable these years are; we take your baby’s education seriously.


When it comes to our work with toddlers, we build on the foundation that we laid in babyhood and focus on refining the senses with size, shape, color, texture, smell, and taste. We also continue building vocabulary, introduce math through counting, increase cultural awareness, and even give an intro into foreign languages.


For kids who are almost ready to start kindergarten but need to refine some skills, we offer an excellent primary curriculum. We teach lessons about practical life, sensorial work, introduction to language arts, Introduction to Spanish, math, cultural and scientific studies, computer science, arts, socialization, and so much more!

Reach Out!

We’re so much more than a Lithonia daycare; we’re a learning academy that you can count on to have your child’s best educational interests at heart. Contact us today to schedule a tour or chat with one of our amazing administrators!